
Information about Kaiser's stance on various issues.


Yes. Kaiser taught rifle marksmanship with Project Appleseed for many years, and was briefly the state coordinator. Further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms are unnecessary, and many existing restrictions do not serve the public interest.

Reproductive rights

Pro-choice. This one's actually harder to resolve philosophically because you've got the unstoppable force (hypothetical human baby life) versus the immovable object (mother's right to her own body). In this case, the mother's right to control her own body wins out.


I don't like drugs. Whether I like drugs or not is irrelevant to whether or not there ought to be restrictions on their use.

Property taxes

Governor Gianforte and the Republicans in the legislature spent the entire session trying to be as cruel as possible to trans people instead of fixing property taxes. Fundamentally taxes should be abolished; it'd be impractical to do that tomorrow, but working within the existing framework to reduce property taxes is certainly the purview of the Governor's office and the legislature.

Trans rights

Trans rights are human rights. Stop being mean to trans people.

Gay rights

See above.


If people want to come to this country to get jobs, why would you want to stop that? If people want to come to this country to take advantage of social programs, maybe getting rid of the social programs is a better way to prevent any negative externalities associated with immigration than putting troops on the border.


Israel is a nation on the other side of the world and is not the purview of the office of Governor.


Ukraine is some distance north of Israel, but it does not fall within the borders of the state of Montana.